Courses for the Fall 2024 Quarter

The All Saints/Advent Term (Fall 2024 Quarter)
will begin the first week of October and run through mid-December

Registration for the All Saints Term is now closed.
Registration for the Winter “Epiphanytide” quarter will open in December.

Introduction to the New Testament: “The Word made flesh”—Paul, Jesus, and the New Testament (NT-101)
With Dr. Deirdre Good, Th.D.

Paul and the Gospel writers preserved and interpreted Jesus’ words in letters and gospels of the New Testament. Join us as we read and interpret these texts in their historical, social, and religious contexts. This course is especially important for students who wish to pursue the process for discernment for leadership and for students who wish to participate in the process for diaconal formation. This course is a prerequisite for NT-201. Required text: The New Oxford Annotated Bible (New Revised Standard Version).

Tuesdays from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Eastern, for nine (9) sessions

Introduction to Liturgy: Baptism and the Eucharist (LM-101)
With the Rev. Dr. Lizette Larson-Miller, Ph.D.

This course introduces students to central texts and themes in theological reflection on Christian worship as they have coalesced into the field of liturgical theology. Through historical, theological, biblical, practical, and pastoral approaches, we will explore the ritual, symbolic, aesthetic, cultural, and textual dimensions of worship and consider how both Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist shape and express Christian thought and practice in The Episcopal Church. This course is required for students who wish to participate in the process for diaconal formation.

Thursdays from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Eastern, for nine (9) sessions

Academic courses for the CCFL All Saints/Advent Term (Fall Quarter, 2024) will begin the first week of October and run through mid-December, with the week of Thanksgiving off as a break. The course registration period is now open and available here. It will close on September 23, 2024. Courses are offered online via Zoom and meet once a week. To inquire about these and other learning opportunities, please email the Director of the CCFL, the Rev. Dr. Robyn Neville, at

Academic Terms

Instead of the traditional semester system, the Center has divided its courses across four academic quarters, distinguished according to liturgical season:

  • All Saints’/Advent Quarter:
    • Begins on or directly after the Feast of All Saints and continues through the second Sunday of Advent (Advent 2)
  • Epiphanytide Quarter:
    • Begins after Epiphany 2 and continues through Candlemas into Lent
  • Eastertide Quarter:
    • Begins after Easter 2 and continues through the Feast of the Ascension
  • Pentecost Quarter:
    • Begins after Pentecost and continues through September

This approach better allows the Center to accommodate the schedules of working clergy and working parents. By rearranging our academic calendar into quarters, the Center can offer shorter, more targeted courses that working adults will find easier to manage with regards to their professional schedules. By avoiding major days and weeks in the liturgical calendar (such as Advent 4, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Epiphany 1, Holy Week, and Easter 1), we hope that clergy and parish leaders in particular will find it easier to make time for continuing education courses.